While Bitcoin and Ethereum are The Recognisable of the cryptocurrency world, there are nearly 1,500 others (according to coinmarketcap.com) and counting; The...
Author - Ben Allen
Ben Allen is a traveller, a millennial and a Brit. He worked in the London startup world for a while but really prefers commenting on it than working in it. He has huge faith in the tech industry and enjoys talking and writing about the social issues inherent in its development.
Today, January 18th, The Bitcoin Mag’s media incubator and parent company, Espacio Incubator, announces it has acquired Novobrief.com, a media...
With bitcoin’s price fluctuating the speculation is piling in, and the whole show is starting to look rather confused – if it wasn’t already.
Espacio announced this morning the launch of their newest project, En Serie. The online publication will be focused on keeping up with the latest films...
All the cool kids have an ICO. And PressCoin is currently in the middle of theirs on their mission to make news trustworthy.
Bitcoin’s price has been tumbling since it peaked in mid-December, and has taken a secondary dip in to the new year.
Much has been made of Turing-completeness with the advent of Ethereum – which boasts said capability – and, by contrast, bitcoin, which does not...
A major obstacle for any cryptocurrency is spending: how do they enter general use and in so doing become more than another version of foreign exchange?
As Bitcoin’s price heads up towards the $20,000 mark, punditry has revolved around futures trading and it’s market impact.
Bitcoin’s price-spike above the $17,000 mark earlier this week has attracted mass coverage and speculation, but are we reliving a familiar story?