Here at The Bitcoin Mag, we are all things blockchain and cryptocurrency related. However, occasionally other publications under the ESPACIO media umbrella touch on subjects which are of interest to us here…
The Sociable, a news site for monitoring what’s happening on the social side of tech, recently put out a podcast episode entitled “How To Get Started With Bitcoin.” We are sharing it here to help educate readers on the basics for to safely buy and hold cryptocurrencies.
On this episode, we will take a brief look into the world of cryptocurrencies and how anyone, no matter their technical background, can safely buy and store any of the top currencies on the market at the moment.
To help with this, I am joined by cryptocurrency expert Jack Dossman, the founder of Crypto Beginners, a website containing the best crypto resources from around the web allowing beginners to learn about Bitcoin, Ethereum, blockchain and all things crypto.
After being frustrated with the lack of easy-to-digest, trustworthy information online, Dossman decided to put a resource together to make it easy for beginners to learn about crypto and blockchain tech.
He frequently blogs on Medium about the fundamentals of getting started with crypto, and he is the second most popular writer regarding Bitcoin, with over 600 followers and 50,000+ story views in the past few months.